In some ways, this summer seems so surreal to me, like it never really happened. I'm dying to go back to see the friends I've made and also to travel more. I have definitely been bitten by the travel bug and I need to get out of Columbus so I can travel to my heart's content. I'm also wanting to finish school so I can put roots down somewhere and start a real life. It would also be nice to have family to stop asking me when I will finish school and get married and have children. Once I'm done they will just push the white picket fence idea on me and I don't think they realize that I might not want that. It's the traditional Chinese family thing. My parents don't do this, but family friends do. Chinese guilt, is it worse than Jewish guilt? Who knows.
I don't want to just keep musing away, I think I'm going to post some pretty pictures from my travels to my future blog posts. Today, we'll play guess the abstract picture and for the next blog post, I'll post the answers.
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