As I'm sitting here in the hotel lobby typing out this blog post, I was just approached by a group of nursing students who wanted to interview me for some reason or another (they asked me where I was from and I told them USA, then they said something about why they wanted to talk to me). I told them okay, so they're going to interview me tomorrow. It's going to be interesting since they don't appear to speak very good English.
I think people are shocked that I'm from America and have decided to come to Khon Kaen since not many tourists come here. Last night I met a woman in the hotel lobby who was having trouble with her wireless so she asked me to help her. I tried to help her but her laptop was not cooperating. We got to talking and she told me that I looked Thai Chinese, hence her initial assumption that I was Thai. Her name was Pooh and she works for the Johnson and Johnson Company in Bangkok. Her English was quite good and she offered to show me around Bangkok (then proceeded to give me her phone number) if I was ever there. I'm not going to take her up on the offer since I'm not going to be in Bangkok, but I wonder if this is part of the Thai hospitality that I've heard about.
Tonight I managed to take a picture of the skin lightening washes I talked about last week. It's a UV lightening cleanser according to the packaging. I don't know what that means but it sounds painful.
That's it for tonight, I'll try to write another post in a couple of days when I get some new pictures. Have a good night!
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